Saturday, 4 September 2010

Missing You

Missing you….

There are times when I look back and wonder why…

Why was I such a fool?

Why didn’t I appreciate the support you gave me?

Why didn’t I appreciate the way you laughed at my jokes when they weren’t funny?

Why didn’t I appreciate that you were at your most beautiful when you had just woken up?

Why didn’t I appreciate that you wanted to spend your life with me?

Why did I take you for granted?

Why didn’t I realise you are my lobster earlier?

Why did I spend so much of my life looking for you only to let you go?

and I…

I loved the way you looked in my boxers and t-shirt

I loved the way you smiled

I loved the way you smelt

I loved the way you used to wink at me when you caught me looking at you when you were talking ot your friends

I loved the way you used to hold onto my little finger as we walked

I loved the way you were a perfect fit when I hugged you

But then…

Then I pushed you away

Then I found excuses for an argument

Then I made your life a misery

Then I made you resent me

Then I cheated on you

Then I blamed you

and Now…

Now I wonder where you are

Now I wonder what you’re doing

Now I wonder if someone else is loving you

Now I wonder what could’ve been

Now I wonder if you feel the same

Now I regret the things I’ve done

and Finally…

Finally now I look back and wonder why…

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