Saturday, 4 September 2010

Extended Break

So I've decided to enforce upon myself an extended break from MFC.

The reasons for this are as follows:

1) Over 8000 reward points in a 5 month period roughly equates to £1000.00 per month! To me, that's an insane amount to be tipping (I only ever did 6 private shows haha). Fortunately, it's money I can afford to have spent but that's still...think of what I could've spent that on.

2) Spending so much time on MFC has kind of screwed up my social skills. For example, seeing a woman in a bar and trying to tip her then asking what she'll do in private only leads to a slap. Turns out, real life woman don't like that sort of least not the women I meet!

3) Sometimes, I feel myself falling for a cam girl and that can only lead to heart break and bankruptcy. Possibly both. Despite what they say, a cam girl doesn't love you, she loves your tokens! Now I know what you're going to say:

"but she told me I don't need to spend tokens on her" or something very similiar.  Let me respond to that.

The reason you want to stay in any particular cam model's room is 99.9% because you're attracted to her. To try to get her undivided attention, you tip and you become her white knight. Now, if you can't tip, that only leaves you the option of being her white knight. I'm stating the obvious here when I say that people like having others around them when they're giving out praise and "protecting" their virtue.

However, that guy has tipped her and is being her white knight. So already he's one up on you. In the capitalist free market that is MFC, guaranteed the cam model loves him more than you. You're only loved as long as there are tippers around.

Love doesn't buy a cam model her next boob job, or pay her bills. Tokens do. 

Missing You

Missing you….

There are times when I look back and wonder why…

Why was I such a fool?

Why didn’t I appreciate the support you gave me?

Why didn’t I appreciate the way you laughed at my jokes when they weren’t funny?

Why didn’t I appreciate that you were at your most beautiful when you had just woken up?

Why didn’t I appreciate that you wanted to spend your life with me?

Why did I take you for granted?

Why didn’t I realise you are my lobster earlier?

Why did I spend so much of my life looking for you only to let you go?

and I…

I loved the way you looked in my boxers and t-shirt

I loved the way you smiled

I loved the way you smelt

I loved the way you used to wink at me when you caught me looking at you when you were talking ot your friends

I loved the way you used to hold onto my little finger as we walked

I loved the way you were a perfect fit when I hugged you

But then…

Then I pushed you away

Then I found excuses for an argument

Then I made your life a misery

Then I made you resent me

Then I cheated on you

Then I blamed you

and Now…

Now I wonder where you are

Now I wonder what you’re doing

Now I wonder if someone else is loving you

Now I wonder what could’ve been

Now I wonder if you feel the same

Now I regret the things I’ve done

and Finally…

Finally now I look back and wonder why…


ok i truly suck at bloggin hahaha I've decided to use this as more of a memoir type thing instead.

So, anyway, today I am truly feeling emo...don't know why but it sucks. Actually emo probably deosn't cover it. I'm more angry and sad at the same time...maybe i just got out of the wrong side of the bed.

Also, I've decided to take a break from MFC for a while...8000 rewards points in less than 6 months is not how i should be spending my money.

Just signed up to skype too...yes, I know I'm late to the whole skype party but truly i've never had a reason to use it before. I think I'm going to just sign up to every single social media appliaction available!

Bah, going to punch someone in the face!

Wednesday, 11 August 2010

Holy crap...

Well, guess I'm truly crap at this blogging stuff...although I'm getting better at the Twitter game! AAAAAND my Facebook game has always been strong haha

check out the video's fucking hilarious!

Peckham Terminator

Tuesday, 30 March 2010

Did you notice? Reaaaaally?

The more astute of you will have noticed the dates on the previous blogs (look below!) are the same. This is because they came from my previous blog which I abandoned after about 4 weeks. Ooops!

I've decided to give this whole blogging thing another try, mainly because re-reading some of the stuff, I found it to be fairly amusing! Let us see how long it'll last this time.

Further explanation and Great Love

In yesterdays ramblings, I mentioned about billing old people and women for my time that they waste. Well it seems I may have not really thought this one through…

Some questions that have been raised are as follows:

1) How am I gonna actually bill these people?
2) Don’t I think this amoral, misogynistic and a severe form of ageism?
3) Where do I find the time?!

Well, let me answer those questions…or at least try to…

1) How am I gonna actually bill these people? Hmm…well I was gonna send a monthly invoice to ‘Age Concern’ for the oldies and an invoice to ‘WOMENKIND Worldwide’ for the ladies.

2) Don’t I think this amoral, misogynistic and a severe form of ageism? Yes…and your point is??

3) Where do I find the time?! Those quiet times at work…

So hopefully, that clears that up…I’ll update this when I’ve actually sent off an invoice.

Which brings me to last night…As I was lying in bed awaiting sleep to kidnap me, I was thinking about the concept of "Great Love". Now, I’ve taken this from the awesome film "Win a Date with Tad Hamilton" and is described as follows:

Love you get over in two months, Big Love you get over in two years and great love, well great love…changes your life.

Now I’ve got a few questions. What happens if you believe in the theory that you only get one great love? You fight for that person right?? Well what happens if that person (who’s your great love) doesn’t think that you’re their great love??? Still with me?!

Is it possible to have more than one great love?? Myself personally, I’ve already had one great love. Do I deserve another? Am I supposed to go back to that person?? What if I can’t be bothered?? Interesting…it’s a whole laziness vs love thing.

Looks like laziness is gonna win!

Well I think that’s enough for one day…more tomorrow.

bye, love you!

A life style change…

I have recently realised that I’m a misanthrope and a recluse.

I don’t need help as I’m quite enjoying it…I finding that having to deal with people less is actually quite relaxing.

I do have a general mistrust of humanity which qualifies me for the misanthrope part.

The only problem I can envisage, is that my mother won’t be getting another daughter-in-law anytime soon…not so much a problem in my mind but still.

Another new thing i’ve implemented is the billing of old people and women who waste my time. 

More specifically, this relates to old people and women who hold me up whilst I drive to and from work.

This has been running for 2 weeks now and old people need to be billed for 46mins of my time and women 7 mins.

I’m tired. I’ll blog more tomorrow

Bye, love you!